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General Properties of FOB Modules

Main Properties

When creating a FOB module, you always begin with specifying the following main properties:

  • name – the identifier of the FOB module. The specified value should contain only Latin characters, digits, and underscores (_). It must not contain spaces ().

  • BaseUpgradeDesc – The class of the settings of the FOB module. Currently, two classes are avialable:

    • BaseUpgradeDesc – for most modules (whose functionality depends on the zone selected for FOB Module).
    • AntennaUpgradeDesc – for modules with Antenna ability. This class has an additional field in properties, see below.

    See Custom FOB Modules: Overview for details.

General Properties

General properties are specified for all FOB Modules.

They are the following:

  • modelId – The name of the XML class of the medium-sized static model of the FOB module, without the .xml extension. This model will be displayed after this module is built in a medium-sized zone. See 3D Models of FOB Modules and Deploy zones for details.

  • modelYRotation – The rotation of the medium-sized (modelId) model around its axis, in degrees.

  • modelIdAdditional – The name of the XML class of the small static model of the FOB module, without the .xml extension. This model will be displayed after this module is built in a small zone. See 3D Models of FOB Modules and Deploy zones for details.

  • modelAdditionalYRotation – The rotation of the small (modelIdAdditional) model around its axis, in degrees.

  • modelAnimated(Optional) The name the XML class of the medium-sized animated (_objective) model, without the .xml extension. This model will be used as the source of animation for the appearance of the module in a medium-sized zone. See 3D Models of FOB Modules and Deploy zones for details.
    See also: animationStagesProgress below.

  • modelAdditionalAnimated(Optional) The name the XML class of the small animated (_objective) model, without the .xml extension. This model will be used as the source of animation for the appearance of the module in a small zone. See 3D Models of FOB Modules and Deploy zones for details.
    See also: animationAdditionalStagesProgress below.

  • cost – The cost of the building of this FOB module for the player. Integer and positive value.

  • sellPrice – The selling price of this FOB module. Integer and positive value.

  • isLockedByDefault – Whether or not this FOB module is initally locked for the player, see Custom FOB Modules: Overview for details. By default, disabled.

  • isOnlyOneAvailableAtDeployZone – By default, disabled. If this option is enabled, the player will be able to build only one such FOB module at the Deploy zone. If there are multiple Deploy zones, the player is able to build one instance of this module on every Deploy zone.

  • isInteractive – Whether or not this FOB module allows the player to directly interact with it, see Custom FOB Modules: Overview for details.

  • uiName – The name of the FOB module in the UI. If localization is necessary, you can use UI_IDENTIFIERS for localization strings within this text field. See Localization for details. The name of the FOB module should not exceed 20 characters, including spaces.

  • icon20 – The name of the small icon of the FOB module that is displayed in the pop-ups and rewards. Format: PNG, Dimensions: 20 x 20.

  • icon40 – The name of the small (orange and black) icon of the FOB module that is used to identify this module during gameplay. Format: PNG, Dimensions: 40 x 40.

  • iconMap40 – The name of the small (grey) icon of the FOB module that is displayed on the map. Format: PNG, Dimensions: 40 x 40.

  • iconTrade – The name of the icon of the FOB module that is used in the Trade screen (at the left side of it, before the header). Format: PNG, Dimensions: 48 x 48.

  • tradeArrowsSpecialIcon – The name of the small icon that is displayed between the "to module" and "from module" arrows when the player is performing "Trade" wtih the module. For example, in the case Workshop, it is the small icon of Repair parts (repairPartsImg30). Format: PNG, Dimensions: 30 x 30.

  • iconModuleBg – The name of the large icon that is displayed in the dialog of the FOB module when it is used not for "Trade" or similar activities, but only shows information on the module. This icon is used only for "passive" modules that are similar to Intelligence center, Service station , Expanded parking, and Tow truck. For all other modules it is not used.

    NOTE: Currently, custom icons (icon20, icon40, iconMap40, iconTrade, etc.) of the FOB modules are not supported. However, you can use custom images for pictures of FOB modules in the bg, bgSmall, and bgRight fields, see below.

  • bageIcon(Should not be used. Will be removed.) This field corresponds to the deprecated image of the FOB module. It should not be used and will be removed (TBD).

  • bg – The name of the image of the module that is displayed in the list of modules available for building. Format: PNG, Dimensions: 380 x 92. Typically, this image has the transparent background and the image of this particular module at the left side of it. Location of the image: This image should be put to the folder of this FOB module within Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\Mods\, into the ui\textures subfolder there.

  • bgSmall – The name of the small image that will be displayed in the upper list of modules. Format: PNG, Dimensions: 124 x 52. Typically, this image has the transparent background and the image of this particular module at the center of it. Location of the image: This image should be put to the folder of this FOB module within Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\Mods\, into the ui\textures subfolder there.

  • bgRight – The name of the image of the module displayed at the header of the Trade screen and at the header of the Details screen (when this module is selected in the list of modules available for building). Format: PNG, Dimensions: 760 x 90. Typically, this image has the transparent background and the image of this particular module at the right side of it. Location of the image: This image should be put to the folder of this FOB module within Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\Mods\, into the ui\textures subfolder there.

  • uiDesc – The description of the FOB module in the UI. If localization is necessary, you can use UI_IDENTIFIERS for localization strings within this text field. See Localization for details. The description of the FOB module should not exceed 240 characters, including spaces.

  • uiDescTradeHeader – The text that will be displayed at the header of the Trade screen, at the left side of it, below the name of the module.

  • uiDescTradeHeaderIcon – The small icon that is displayed next to the text of uiDescTradeHeader, at the right side of it.

  • uiTradeDefaultDescText – The text that is displayed at the bottom of the Details screen (when this module is selected in the list of modules available for building).

  • availableViaDroneDelivery – Whether or not the player will be able to "Trade" with this FOB module using the Cargo drone mechanics.

  • dbg_locked(Optional. Will be removed.) Enabling this option will hide this FOB module in the list of modules available for building. This field will be removed (TBD).

  • modelOffset – The offset of the medium-sized static model of the FOB module from the center of its medium-sized zone, as a vector.

  • modelAdditionalOffset – The offset of the small static model of the FOB module from the center of its small zone, as a vector.

  • animationStagesProgress(Optional) The section that defines the animation states of the medium-sized animated model of the FOB module and their order. See 3D Models of FOB Modules for details.

    NOTE: The animation states in the animationStagesProgress section need to be filled only if you have specified the animated model in the modelAnimated field.

  • animationAdditionalStagesProgress(Optional) The section that defines the animation states of the small animated model of the FOB module and their order. See 3D Models of FOB Modules for details.

    NOTE: The animation states in the animationAdditionalStagesProgress section need to be filled only if you have specified the animated model in the modelAdditionalAnimated field.

  • zoneProperty – The zone of the FOB module that will provide its functionality. For details on particular zone types that are possible in this field, see the Zones of FOB Modules: Overview topic in Map Modding and topics related to particular zone types in the same section.

    NOTE: For modules of AntennaUpgradeDesc class the zoneProperty field may be left with null values.

Additonal Fields

For AntennaUpgradeDesc Class

If you have selected the AntennaUpgradeDesc class in the BaseUpgradeDesc field, your module will have the Antenna ability.

This ability requires no interaction from the player and opens all Air Drops that are located within the specified radius from the module.

In this case, the properties of your module will have an additional field:

  • radiusDiscoverInventoryStorageZone – The radius from the module within which all Air Drops will be opened for the player.