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Custom FOB Modules: Overview

(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

NOTE: In the current version of Expeditions, there is an issue that saving a custom FOB module may not work when the module is created for the first time. As the result of this issue, you will see the "Can’t open file: ..." message. This issue occurs because the Media\Mods folder is not created automatically. The temporary solution for this is to create this folder manually. Or, as an alternative, create and pack any map. This issue is known and will be fixed in the next versions of the Editor.


FOB Modules (or Base Modules) are buildings that can be built in the specifically configured zones near the Main Base or Outposts.

NOTE: You can add only potential FOB modules to the map. I.e., you can only set up zones where these FOB modules may be built by the player. You are not able to add an already built and operational FOB module of the particular type to the map. For details on the necessary configuration of zones and their props that will allow the player to build FOB modules, see Deploy zones.

In addition to original FOB Modules, you can create custom FOB modules that will be available in the game in the same zones as the original ones.

The functionality that the custom FOB module will provide to the player is based on:

NOTE: Lists of classes and FOB module zones are predefined.

All built FOB modules appear as some visual models in the game. So, when creating a custom module, you will need to either use one of the predefined models of FOB modules, or create your own custom 3d models for that. For details on these models and their setup, see 3D Models of FOB Modules.


Similarly to custom inventory items, FOB Modules may have different classes:

  • BaseUpgradeDesc – The regular class of the FOB module. Funtionality provided by the FOB module of this class is solely defined by the FOB Module zone selected for it.
  • AntennaUpgradeDesc – The special class of the FOB module that provides the Antenna ability. This ability requires no interaction from the player and opens all Air Drops that are located within the specified radius. This radius is defined by the value of the additional radiusDiscoverInventoryStorageZone field in the proprties of the FOB module of this class.

NOTE: For modules of AntennaUpgradeDesc class, the FOB Module zone may be not defined. Thus, the functionality of the module is typically defined by either the BaseUpgradeDesc class with some FOB Module zone, or by the AntennaUpgradeDesc class without it.

FOB Module Zones

For every module, in the zonePropery field, you are able to select one FOB Module zone that will define the functionality provided by this module.

For details on particular zone types that are possible in this field, see the Zones of FOB Modules: Overview topic in Map Modding and topics related to particular zone types in the same section.

NOTE: Some zones of FOB modules have an addittional field – moduleId. In this field, you need to specify the identifier of this custom FOB module – to link the zone to this module. For every custom FOB module, the identifier is defined during its creation.

3D Models

Every FOB module should use 2 static models of the "built" module and may use 2 animated models that will visualize the appearance of the module.

See 3D Models of FOB Modules for details.

Interaction with Player

The isInteractive option in the properties of the FOB module allows you to specify whether or not the player will be able to interact with this module.

If the module is interactive, the player will be able to interact with it the same way as with regular in-game modules of the same type. For example, initiate this process in the interaction zone of the module, which will open the Trade dialog or Workshop dialog, and so on.

However, some types of the modules are not interactive. E.g., the built Tow truck module reduces the cost of evacuation, but the player does not directly interact with this module itself.

The values of the isInteractive option for different types of modules – defined by the zone selected for them or by their non-regular class – are below.

Type of FOB Module isInteractive zoneProperty / class
similar to Base module True ZonePropertyFobModuleStorage
similar to Store True ZonePropertySupplyShop
similar to Gas station True ZonePropertyFobModuleStorage
similar to Warehouse True ZonePropertyFobModuleStorage
similar to Repair station True ZonePropertyFobModuleStorage
similar to Tow truck False ZonePropertyTowTruck
similar to Essentials storage True ZonePropertyFobModuleStorage
similar to Expanded parking True ZonePropertyParking
similar to Workshop True ZonePropertyWorkshop
similar to Service station False ZonePropertyServiceStation
similar to Cargo drone True ZonePropertyDroneDelivery
similar to Intelligence center False AntennaUpgradeDesc class

Locking and Unlocking

By default, custom FOB Modules are unlocked and available from the start.

However, by enabling the isLockedByDefault option in the properties of the FOB Module, you can lock it.

Locked FOB modules may be unlocked using a special reward granted after accomplishing the particular objective. See Rewards for details.

However, this locking should be used only if you provide this FOB module as a linked mod.