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3D Models of FOB Modules

(NEW) This feature is valid for Expeditions only.

Every built FOB module is displayed on the map as a static model and, also, may have some animation of its appearance on the map.

Two Static Models

The Main Base usually has more space for "building" FOB modules than secondary Outposts.

Due to this, FOB modules have two static visual models corresponding to them: the medium-sized model and the small model.

Dimensions of corresponding zones do vary also, see Deploy zones for details.

Names of XML classes of these models, without the .xml file extension, are specified in the modelId (the medium-sized model) and modelIdAdditional (the small model) fields of the FOB module properties.

Two Animated Models

Along with that, a FOB module may have the animation of its appearance on the map.

And, since there are two static models of different sizes for the "built" module, we will need two animated models for them, correspondingly.

Names of XML classes of these models, without the .xml file extension, are specified in the modelAnimated (the animated model for the medium-sized module) and modelAdditionalAnimated (the animated model for the small module) fields.

NOTE 1: These models must have configured animation states – in the XML class of the model, as values of the Name attributes of the <Subset> tags – similarly to original in-game animated models models from initial.pak.

NOTE 2: Original animated models can be easily identified in the initial.pak archive by the _objective suffix in their names.

Configuration of Animations

The configuration for the animations is set up similarly to the Model Building Settings mechanics:

  1. In the modelAnimated and modelAdditionalAnimated fields, you specify the name of the animated (_objective) model that have configured animation states.

  2. You specify names of these animation states (from XML classes of these models) and their order in the following sections:

    • animationStagesProgress – for the medium-sized animated model.
    • animationAdditionalStagesProgress – for the medium-sized animated model

Where I Can Get These Models?

When creating a custom module, you will need to either use one of original existing models of FOB modules provided with the game or create your own custom 3D models of your FOB module.

Existing Models

XML classes of original in-game models of FOB modules are available in initial.pak archive.

Their 3D models (.fbx files) and XML files of the mesh are not publicly available there, but they are not necessary if you want to use these models.

I.e., you can specify names of XML classes of necessary models from initial.pak in the modelId, modelIdAdditional, modelAnimated, and modelAdditionalAnimated fields and the game will find remaining data by itself.

For existing animated models, names of animation states – required by the animationStagesProgress and animationAdditionalStagesProgress sections – can be found in these XML classes of models, the same way as when configuring the Model Building Settings.

I.e., in these XML classes, names of animation states are values of the Name attribute of the <Subset> tag.

For example, for fob_module_workshop_objective.xml:

<ModelBrand ClipCamera="true" NeedPreload="true">
    <Subset IsDefault="true" Name="stage_0"></Subset>

    <Subset Name="stage_1">

Order of these states within animationStagesProgress and animationAdditionalStagesProgress sections is configured the same way as when configuring the Model Building Settings.

Particularly, the 0 value next to the state corresponds to the initial state of the module, 1 corresponds to the state when the module is being "built".

For example:

Custom Models

For general information on creating custom models (without animation), see the Custom_Level_Entities_Models_Overlays_and_PbrMaterials.pdf guide.

However, there are two additional aspects in creating these models for FOB modules: the mandatory NeedPreload attribute and correct location of model files.

NeedPreload attribute

XML classes of all used custom models should contain the special NeedPreload attribute in the <ModelBrand> tag and this attribute should be equal to true.

This is necessary for the system to be able to preload these models before starting the level.

For example:

<ModelBrand ... NeedPreload="true">

Location of Model Files

All files of custom models that are used by the FOB module should be put to the folder of this FOB module within Documents\My Games\Expeditions\Media\Mods\.

The set of model folders there is the same as when creating a regular custom model.

I.e., in this case, the folder of this FOB module will contain the regular classes, meshes, and textures subfolders with model contents. See the Custom_Level_Entities_Models_Overlays_and_PbrMaterials.pdf guide for details.

In the FOB module's modelId and modelIdAdditional fields, you need to specify the names of the models' XML classes, without the .xml file extension.

For example, your XML class of the main model is named my_oil_pump_01.xml. It is located in folder of this FOB module at \classes\models\my_oil_pump_01.xml. The structure in meshes and textures subfolders is similar. So, you can specify my_oil_pump_01 as the value of the modelId field.

How Can I Create Animated Models?

Animated models and their animation states are optional for the creation of custom FOB modules. If they are not specified, the FOB module will be built without the "appearance" animation.

The Custom_Level_Entities_Models_Overlays_and_PbrMaterials.pdf guide describes only the creation of regular (not animated) models. The similar guide on creating models with animation is planned, but is not created yet.