Custom Gameplay Entities: Intro
Level Entities are just placed on the level and do not affect the gameplay.
Gameplay Entities do affect the gameplay of the game.
In Expeditions, you can create the following custom gameplay entities:
- Inventory Items – tools, equipment and various other items that are used during the gameplay and are either stored in Inventory or available from the Radial menu. For example, Drones, Binoculars, Anchors, Treasure Items, Quest Items, and so on.
- Specialists – cards with Specialists that affect certain parameters of the gameplay.
- FOB Modules – Field Operation Base modules. I.e., the modules of the player’s base.
NOTE: All these gameplay entities are created in the Expeditions Editor and can be published as separate mods.
In SnowRunner, you can create the following custom gameplay entities:
- Cargo – cargo that can be loaded to a truck or a trailer, transported and delivered by it.
NOTE: In SnowRunner, custom cargo can not be provided as a separate mod. It should be published as a part of the truck mod or a map mod.